Bienvenidos Profesores y Tutores Normalistas
Our students learn much more than physical skills through their participation in athletics. The collaborative experience of pursuing and attaining a common goal in athletics is unique, as it is combined with interscholastic competition. We are proud of our winning tradition.
Through this experience, our students are able to develop courage as they take risks, strength while displaying finesse, competitive intensity while exhibiting generosity of spirit, and mental as well as physical endurance.
Athletic Resources
School Athletic Trainer

John is a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, and Health and Safety Specialist offering a strong background in injury care, prevention, rehabilitation, health promotion and wellness. John has an enduring passion for continuous education and has intentionally engaged in various work experiences for a well-rounded scope on healthcare. John’s primary interests include nutrition and biomechanics, with a concentrated focus on improving performance.
For injury prevention, diagnosis, or treatment information, please email John at [email protected].